How to increase libido in men. Bring back the previous attraction. Increase self-esteem.

sexual relationships

Hello folks! I went down this path when you were alive, but there is no sexual desire at all. A sad feeling, everything is gray and uninteresting. But once I understood my problem, I found a way to increase libido in men. Let's look at the main problems of reduced libido, psychological aspects and other side effects.

I am sure that you feel a strong desire to improve your life, to regain your former sexual desire, to enjoy all the pleasures of sex, to be healthy and happy, to be an example for others, and the women were still crazyafter you and wanted more.

Low libido, the worst secret

If you are here, it means that you have a problem with your libido and are wondering how to increase it, increase it and enjoy life. In fact, low libido is very easy to fix, but you have to give up some things that make it difficult for the body to recover.

Every person has a choice to either continue life as it is and let everything take its course, or take responsibility for everything that happens to you, including your lifestyle and, most importantly, the man's health. We cannot hide the fact that this is one of the main incentives for a man to live and develop, become more successful and make money.

Low drive is simply a dead battery that needs to be charged, cleaned and reused. Below I will tell you the easiest way to charge the battery, but now let's talk about what lowers libido the most.

decreased libido in couples


Yes, you understand perfectly well that alcohol is harmful and blah blah blah, what else is there to say? In my opinion, it is beer that lowers libido, and especially low-quality beer. I don't know what adds to it but after that you don't want sex at all and the worst thing is that you start to cum very quickly without giving pleasure to your partner.

Poor quality vodka also reduces desire; there are so many impurities and safeguards that you could write a book about them. Choose high-quality and proven alcohol so that you do not have a hangover in the morning and your liver does not suffer from processing poisons early in the morning.

What to do if you want to drink, but everything is simple: drink good cognac or good beer that is actually brewed using brewing technology. I went a step further and bought a moonshine still and made homemade alcohol, I especially like pepper and horseradish tinctures with honey, after that I really want to prove myself as a man in any environment. I recommend.

Another good option is to eat a pack of activated charcoal before Sabantuy. Charcoal will absorb all harmful impurities and poisons, the intestines will naturally remove everything, and the liver will thank you for your care.


If you do not sleep well, the body does not have time to recover and it wastes all its internal resources on keeping its loved one in a more or less awake state, which is fraught with mental illness and generally affects theGeneral condition affects the body.

It is clear that everyone's life situations are different, some have two to three jobs and generally do not have time to sleep, but if inner strength and energy are important to you, then find time to have a good rest and your sexual powerto restore.

Make sure you sleep comfortably, without disturbing noises or spontaneous awakenings in the night. Get some fresh air by opening a window. The more you sleep, the more testosterone, the male hormone, is produced.

Poor sleep reduces potency

Competent meditation is also suitable for good sleep and maximum rest. Maybe you will say what nonsense this is, and I am not a monk at all, but try it, meditation is just a rest for the mind and it is a pleasure to do it.

Passive lifestyle

The less you move, the more your circulation stagnates and the less it supplies muscles, organs, etc. with important substances. For the body to function properly, more movements are required and, above all, the correct approach.

In addition, obesity does not have any useful functions, but on the contrary, our poor skeleton carries all this load, and the heart generally pumps blood through it clogged by cholesterol plaques.

Move more, do more sports and walk at least 30-60 minutes a day. This will already bear fruit and the benefits will be much greater than sitting at the computer or TV. Start your morning with exercise and the results won't be long in coming.

passive lifestyle

What kind of woman is standing next to you?

If you have a relationship, but there are constant scandals, accusations and dissatisfaction inside you, then you need to look for the main reason here. Subconsciously we cannot want to own what causes us pain and suffering.

Take the first step and talk to your girlfriend, find out all the disagreements between each other, then you will at least understand whether it is worth continuing to build such a relationship.

If you don't have a girlfriend, it's time to start a relationship with her. If you are afraid of meeting people, be sure to read the article about meeting girls on the Internet and on VKontakte.

Inner experiences. Stress.

A lot of energy is spent on the inner experiences of a person, I know this from myself, when I lived in a depression for 2 years and definitely had no time for sexual games and chasing a woman's skirt. But that phase is over and as a result I have changed a lot in my life and given up a lot of things.

When we are stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced, which in turn disrupts the production of testosterone. The more you suffer, the less you want to have sex and flirt with girls.

Keep your psychological climate comfortable, learn to remove negative experiences from your mind, and your health problems will stop immediately. I can say with certainty that all of our problems arise in our minds.


Smoking has a very harmful effect on the blood vessels in our body: the channels narrow and become clogged with harmful substances, causing more damage to the body. The vessels in the groin area are also blocked, which narrows the channels for nutrient supply.

Quit smoking as soon as possible, I understand, I smoked for 6 years, that it is difficult to quit smoking, but the famous book of a certain English writer helped me quickly, the main thing is in itselfbelieve in yourself and your strengths.

Smoking also harms the entire body as every cell is deprived of oxygen, leading to fatigue, apathy and depression. By the way, lovers of hookahs and e-cigarettes also fall into this category. Again, if you don't abuse it, everything will be fine, but I personally know people who smoke anytime, anywhere.

Romantic relationship

Unhealthy food

It's no secret that the phrase "We are what we eat" is central to the modern world; such an abundance of junk food has never existed in the past. Just look at sugary water that contains calciumwashes the body.

The same applies to all kinds of substitutes, substances that slow down the spoilage of the product, etc. All this leads to various ailments and rapid wear and tear on the body, as well as sad consequences related to libido and everything connected with it.

Check your diet, cut out junk food, your body will thank you. Avoid fast food and opt for green salads with lots of parsley and dill. Carrots are generally high in vitamin A

Coffee. Caffeine. energy

Caffeine itself has a positive effect on the nervous system, stimulating the brain and producing dopamine (the happiness hormone). As usual, its harm consists in excessive and large consumption. Everything good has a limited resource. So if you constantly stimulate the brain to produce the happiness hormone, eventually the brain will go to hell and fall into a deep depression in order to restore the resources it has used up. And of course he will spend all his free energy on increasing their reserves, and not wasting them left and right.

As a rule, take one glass of coffee a day, no more, or even better, gradually give it up completely, for example Ivan tea, which is much healthier than caffeine, invigorates the body better and also has a beneficial effectEffect on increasing and increasing libido. Read about the dangers of coffee on the internet.

The dangers of drug treatment

Many men blame their potency for a decrease in libido, but potency and libido, although they are related, are still different concepts. There are various pills that increase potency, but they only affect the erection itself by increasing the pressure in the blood vessels and filling the sexual organ with blood, but the libido itself does not increase.

The danger of such pills lies in their frequent intake, constant stress on the body and high load on the heart, which is fraught with consequences such as the possibility of a heart attack. Therefore, you can take such pills, but not constantly abuse them, as is the case in the West.

I also will not deny that there are good nutritional supplements with vitamin complexes that give the body more energy, strength and resources to develop natural desires without doing violence to the body. I have taken them myself and can therefore say with certainty that they have an effect and improve my sex life, the money spent is worth it.

How to increase libido with the help of psychology

All our diseases come from the head, and if the head is a little off, it is better to direct your message to a psychologist who will direct all the problems in the right direction. After all, in 80% of cases there is psychosamatics behind various illnesses, which can be easily cured and the old self-confidence restored.

Harmony in relationships

Products that increase libido in men

There is a huge list of products that have both obvious and non-obvious positive effects on male potency. I have experienced them all myself and can speak with certainty of my expertise in this area. Some of them I just read about on the Internet, and some of them were told to me by people from the old school.


This is one of the main herbs that increases libido to the maximum. In every manifestation, always and everywhere, the more the better. Works very well in combination with protein-rich meats such as beef.


Celery has no price, you can eat it in any combination, in combination with other products and in any salads. Very juicy, replaces apples. Rich in vitamins and all kinds of fiber.

Horseradish root

It is difficult to get, but those who have a dacha can grow it themselves or steal it from their neighbors. Its benefits are limitless. You can replace it with horseradish from a jar in stores, but try to buy something more natural and of better quality. Personally, I eat a lot of it and don't get tired. It is also good to make a tincture of horseradish with honey, as horseradish greatly stimulates blood circulation in the genitals.

Ginger root

I really like ginger and eat it often, especially when it is pure. It burns pleasantly on the tongue, which I particularly like. It also combines well with tea and is generally used for all sorts of decoctions. Goes in with a bang.

Walnuts with honey

Buy 200 grams of good nuts, grind them through a meat grinder or crush them, add honey and stir everything into a homogeneous mass. A spoonful in the morning and a spoonful in the evening and everything is fine for you and your passion.


I've noticed for a long time that when I eat shrimp, I feel a strong desire to flirt with girls, write to them, get to know them, and go for walks. Has a positive effect on mood and self-confidence.

Seafood for potency


It contains a large amount of proteins and nutrients that stimulate the production of testosterone in large quantities. It also cleanses the body well of cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and helps lose weight.

The easiest way is to buy jars in online stores. It is better to take it in its own juice than in oil. Can be eaten as a main course instead of meat. For example, a can of tuna with buckwheat goes well with this.

Almonds and hazelnuts

A small amount of these nuts has a positive effect on testosterone production and an increase in sperm in the semen, and this is the main indicator that everything is in order with health.

You can also combine it with walnuts and honey by simply chopping everything up and mixing it with honey.

Ginseng root

I haven't tried it myself, but I have a great desire to make a tincture of ginseng with horseradish. You can order it from China, but it's best to check with trusted sellers as they may send something that isn't what you ordered.

Cocktail Recipe Riser

We go to a big store to buy groceries; We don't need much, but we have to buy some. If an ingredient is missing, you can replace it with a similar one or simply cross it out. We need:

  • celery
  • Parsley
  • arugula
  • spinach
  • horseradish
  • Ginger
  • Apple
  • Tomato juice

We clean the whole thing and grind it with a blender until smooth, all the ingredients and grams are at your discretion, the only thing is that you do not use borscht with horseradish, as it is very strong and you cannot drink the whole thing.

If you don't have a blender, make a salad out of it and eat it in one go, most likely it will be disgusting, but health requires sacrifices and by the third day you usually get used to it, especially if you drink it with your fingers through your nose.

I did this myself, it is very unpleasant to drink green liquid, but the effect appears immediately after 2-3 hours. Of course, it is important to take into account whether you are well rested and do not collapse from fatigue.

Achieve results

Exercises that increase libido

Any physical activity is useful as long as you don't abuse it and don't abuse your body. When you come home tired and completely exhausted from training in the gym, all the time and energy goes into restoring muscle fibers. If you just need to exercise to increase libido, then read below and try doing the exercises in the morning.


The most important exercise of all is of course the squat. We stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders, toes parallel to each other. Squat as much as you can. Rest and start squatting again until you get a little tired and repeat the process for the third time.

The number of repetitions can be increased over time, but the main thing is not to force yourself, there is no rule, the more the better, but on the contrary, you only need to train certain muscles.

powerful erection


A classic exercise to keep in shape. Here you can take advantage of it a little and see it through to the end. The more tension you feel in your hands, the more confident and powerful you feel. The main thing is not to spread your shoulders and try to show the imaginary hardness.

Running and pull-ups

Running has a positive effect on blood circulation in the body, trains the heart and prevents cardiovascular diseases. The more you run, the cooler and healthier you feel.

With pull-ups everything is the same, the muscle tension when running is good and you will be like the main character in the village.

It's still too early to run a marathon, but why not run 26 miles at some point? This is what I plan for the future.


The main enemy of testosterone is the stress hormone cortisol; it is always produced during times of stress, anger, fear and negative emotions. To reduce cortisol, you must first calm down. It is best to learn the technique of working with your psyche and gradually remove all the negative emotions that appeared in childhood, carrying all the negativity into adulthood and preventing you from achieving your goals.

Gradually start eating right and eliminate all junk food. I'm not saying that you should give up completely, I sin myself, but do it like this, for example: from Monday to Saturday eat right, and on Sunday eat everything that tastes your soul allows. There are even such diets.

It is better to completely eliminate bad habits like smoking, they are definitely just a waste of money and harm the body, which will lead to many problems in the future.

I wrote about alcohol above, but again, no one bothers you to drink high-quality alcohol sometimes. Although I sin myself, I like to drink and relax my brain, but I can control myself and refuse it when I don't feel like it. But if you drink constantly and can't stop drinking, I have another article on how to stop drinking.

Here is an article about how to increase libido in men. Here I have shared my thoughts on a problem that commonly affects men of all ages.

Psychologists don't want you to know these secrets about yourself

Imagine this situation: what if, instead of paying for consultations with a psychologist for years, you could work on yourself in 21 days? Get rid of negative thoughts and states forever. And live a calm and happy life instead? Stop living in stress due to relationships or constant lack of money? Tell me this is impossible? That's what I thought too until I started working on myself